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ModelClaude 3.5 SonnetExample input[field area] e.g. Image Processing, financial data analysis [data] e g image matrix, spreadsheet, etcExample outputGaussian Distribution: Explanations, function and definitions of parameters were inferenced as below: The Gaussian distribution is often used to model the intensity values of pixels in an image, especially when the pixel values are expected to be symmetrically distributed around a mean value.Probability Density Function (PDF): f(x)= 2πσ 21 exp(− 2σ 2(x−μ) 2) where: μ is the mean. σ is the standard deviation. x is the pixel value. NB: The equation is not rendered well on this platform but was well presented in the prompt inference.
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Data analytics

Probability Distributions Brains

  • 25 words
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  • Instructions
  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  • No Artist

This prompt assists in getting information that eases understanding the Mathematics steps behind Probability Distributions. Detailed explanations provided with mathematical steps

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